learning outcome 2

learning outcome 2

In Project 1 I talk about soylent, and how it’s not good for one to be consuming all the time. Again, it is my own opinion. “If I were to drink four to five bottles of soylent a day, I believe it would sit in my stomach. I LOVE food, I am a food lover. I am so serious about that, I always look forward to eating, it sounds funny but I do, again from my favorite meal essay, “I love meat, it’s one of those things that if I were told I had to go vegetarian I would choose death over vegetarian, I know it sounds harsh but I cannot live without meat, I just can’t. I have tried it for health reasons in the past and it didn’t work out well at all.” In this paper, I have learned that it is okay to write about multiple topics but still get to your point. I talk about how soylent wouldn’t be good for me because I wouldn’t digest it well as I do with food. After project 1 I learned to improve my writing from the critiques of my professor. With the voice memo I had received from my professor, it helped me realize what I was doing wrong and I could do something about fixing my issues in my paper. When project 2 rolled around I became more aware of my mistakes and I was able to fix them in a good manner. I also read about how to use quotes from templates in “They Say, I Say”.
