learning outcome 5/6

learning outcome 5/6

When working with MLA guidelines it’s kind of tricky if you’re not the best at it. Citations are the hardest part in a paper because if you forget to cite your source, you could be accused of plagiarizing. When working with MLA, your paper has to be in a certain formatting. But still the most important thing is citations. I have been working with proper MLA formatting since freshman year of high school. MLA is more serious in college than it is high school. When working with MLA it’s easy to not understand it unless you’ve been working with it for a while. Learning MLA from my professor and even my peers has affected me a lot, instead of my teachers in high school. People take it more seriously here than in high school, the rules are different. MLA has helped me with my writing because it shows me how to format my papers better without having it all be a huge mess. In high school, I was never taught the proper way to cite using MLA formatting. But being in this class has taught me how to cite it correctly. I know now that each citation has to be in alphabetical order. 
