learning outcome 3

learning outcome 3

Annotations are helpful to me because when writing about the topic given, it helps me find the important topics in the article. When highlighting and writing notes next to it, making it easier to pick out the information from the text. I have always annotated my papers, since middle school even. Annotating has helped me a lot as a writer because it allows me to take quotes easier. Annotations help a lot of writers including myself, just because it helps point out what needs to be pointed out. In the article “Can Planet Earth Feed 10 Billion People?” I needed to annotate a lot because it was a hard read for me. When reading that I needed to go back more than one time, just so I could highlight and finish my notes so I could have more to write about instead of just writing about the same thing over and over. With annotations it helps us as writers to find what’s important and what is not so important in the text. With annotations it helps me create quotes, so I can bring in pieces of information into my papers. We have been annotating all year and it has helped not just me but the rest of the students in my English class. We have all improved in our writing because of annotations. Some people find annotating annoying but I enjoy it because it opens my eyes more with understanding the paper. Annotating it has helped me find what I need to make my paper stronger.
